June 24, 2017


Don’t Drown in Debt!

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Have you ever been in a conversation where someone was saying something entirely inappropriate, and then realized it, but kept talking – and in trying make the situation better, they just dug themselves deeper into the hole?  Okay, have you ever BEEN that person? You just want to say to them (or to yourself) – You’re in a hole! Best bet…..Stop digging!! Why on why do we find it easier to keep digging a hole
What is the ONE thing that will make you succeed at work?  Being FAT!!! Let me explain:  FAT doesn’t have anything to do with WEIGHT!                 FAT – Faithful, Available, Teachable The best employee is FAT! Faithful – shows up every day, on time, with a good attitude. One of the most undesirable traits in an employee is inconsistency in attendance. It’s the number one reason people lose their jobs. Show up every day with
Last week’s podcast and blog were all about the upcoming mid-term elections – with Tennessee’s upcoming election featured. If you haven’t already voted – you can vote early or wait and vote on November 6th. If you haven’t already read the article or listened to the podcast, be sure and go back and listen so you’ll be an informed voter! I’m not endorsing any candidates, just making sure you are ready to cast a vote!


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Category: Uncategorized
VOTE TENNESSEE!!!  NOVEMBER 6, 2018 ELECTION! [My Podcast Episode 20 corresponds to this article.] A few weeks ago I posted an article and podcast about how important it is to vote in the upcoming mid-term elections on November 6th. Mid-Term Elections are held every four years, half-way through the presidential term. The election is right around the corner, and I know some of you have some questions about what you’ll be voting for. If you don’t live in Tennessee, this won’t
I’m facilitating a leadership book club in my office, and we’re studying John Maxwell’s book, Developing the Leader Within You 2.0. This week’s chapter is “Self-Discipline,” and I’m pleasantly amazed how much it ties in with chapter 2 in Adulting Like a Boss: “It’s the Hard Things that Make Life Easy.” No matter what you call it, the principle of trading off doing what’s hard NOW to reap the benefits of something easier down the

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